
My main areas of interest are front-end development and technical leadership.

I am constantly seeking to improve my skills and knowledge, and I am always eager to learn about new technologies. I am not afraid to get my hands dirty and dive into the technical details, always striving to understand how things work. I try to be as open-minded as possible, and I believe that every technology or framework has something valuable to offer.

I began my career with .NET/C# back in 2008/2009, but I have since shifted my focus towards front-end development. While I still enjoy working on the technical side of things, I am now more interested in exploring the role of a Staff+ engineer and how I can contribute to technical leadership for greater impact in the organization.

In 2019 and 2023, I had the pleasure of being involved in organizing the Revo.js conference - a not-for-profit event held in Timișoara, Romania.

I have a variety of hobbies like hiking, running, playing board and video games, and taking photos. Every month, I discover a new one!