Follow me along as I explore two new features of TypeScript 4.1, template literal types and recursive conditional types. All this to create a typed version of a function that reads data from an API.
ReadIn this post, we are going to explore how to handle Observables inside a LitElement component. What options we have for this and how I've created a generic solution. It will handle subscribing to a stream, with some extra features and built in functionality.
ReadSee how to create a fake REST API using JSON Server. TypeScript will protect us against any model changes and faker.js will help with generating random data. Use it for local development, testing or any other related activities.
ReadHow to use barrel files in our projects. Should you use them? If yes, how to organize code around them and where to place these files. Read on to find out more.
ReadHandling imports is a bit more trickier to manage due to paths and constant refactoring that one will do inside a more complex application.
ReadMy approach in testing NgRx effects. Some of the things that worked and some that did not.